
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
E67: Celebrate Stone Pipe Days – Sharing knowledge to preserve culture
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Stone Pipe Days is a four-day event recognizing the pride, history, and culture of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) community here at Lethbridge Polytechnic. Jordan Head, Indigenous Cultural Advisor, is a key organizer for this year's Stone Pipe Days, and he joins us to share all about this special event.
Jordan outlines the agenda (opening ceremonies, meals, guest speakers, films, a traditional powwow), and he expands on the meaningful partnership Stone Pipe Days represents between the Blackfoot people and the polytechnic. He also shares a piece of his personal journey, including how his family inspired and guided him toward education – which eventually led him full circle back to Lethbridge Polytechnic.
During the show, Jordan and Donna (host) mention:
- Stone Pipe Days (March 24 – March 28, 2025):
- Event schedule: Ohkotoki’aahkkoiyiiniimaan (Stone Pipe Days)
- Movies/media:
- Blackfoot Confederacy (Niitsitapi peoples):
- Siksika (Blackfoot)
- Kainai (Blood)
- Kana (and A'kana) – Many chiefs or many leaders
- Piikani (Peigan)
- South Peigan
- Notable works and how-tos:
- A Contemporary Winter Count by Kerry M. Scott
- Powwow Dances
- How to take part in a round dance
- Organizations/institutions:
- National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
- Alberta Health Services
- Treaty 7 Tribal Council
- Assembly of First Nations
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs
- U of L (University of Lethbridge)
- U of A (University of Alberta)
- Lethbridge Polytechnic:
- People, history, locations:

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Dr. Erika Smith (Educational Development Consultant at the University of Calgary), Richard Hayman (Associate Professor and Digital Initiatives Librarian at Mount Royal University), and Constance Sheriff (Research Services Librarian at Lethbridge Polytechnic) explore the daunting task researchers face in sharing their work with their audiences.
Erika, Richard, and Constance explain how using strategies like Knowledge Mobilization and Knowledge Translation, and finding support through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning can help dismantle barriers in dissemination–especially when researchers strive to become Networked Scholars.
Even if you don't want your work to be published, there are so many benefits from engaging in scholarly research, like improved:
- student learning outcomes (because you've removed roadblocks and increased accessibility in the classroom)
- research sharing strategies (because you've sharpened your communication skills and learned which formats work best for you)
- network connections (because you've been showing up as an active, contributing expert in your field)
And there's more where that came from.
During the show, guests and host (Donna) mention:
- KM, KT, and SoTL article:
- Ebook:
- LITL-Pod episodes:
- Acronym definitions:
- OERs: Open Educational Resources
- (San Francisco) DORA: Declaration on Research Assessment
- Post-secondary institutions:
- Resources for researchers:
Guest bios
Constance Sheriff (she/her) is a Research Services Librarian who has been at Lethbridge Polytechnic for nearly 20 years. Her focuses include the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Integrated Librarianship, Research Ethics, and Research Data Management.
Dr. Erika Smith (she/her) is an Educational Development Consultant specializing in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary. She has an interdisciplinary background in digital humanities and completed her PhD in Adult, Community and Higher Education at the University of Alberta. She has 20 years of professional experience in diverse learning environments. Erika supports curriculum, pedagogy, and technology innovations and initiatives under the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning umbrella. She is Senior Associate Editor and a founding member of Imagining SoTL, a peer-reviewed open-access journal, and co-PI on a SSHRC-funded Scholarship of Teaching and Learning initiative that integrates students as partners in knowledge co-creation. She has written for The Conversation and widely shares and translates knowledge via videos, infographics, and social media. Her research interests include educational development, digital literacies, and emerging technologies in higher education.
Richard Hayman (he/him) is an Associate Professor and Digital Initiatives Librarian at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. As a researcher-practitioner interested in open access and scholarly communications, educational technologies, and evidence-based practice in academic (library) settings, his expertise engages multidisciplinary modes of knowledge exploration, creation, mobilization, and translation. He is committed to open practices in research ensuring his publications are available via open access and supporting others seeking to do the same. Richard is currently co-PI on a SoTL-focused scoping review project.

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
"It's my dream. It's our dream. It's the polytechnic's dream. But it's a dream of our elders that we keep going." ~ Marcia Black Water, Indigenous Coordinator for the Centre for Business, Arts, and Sciences
Marcia Black Water (Indigenous Coordinator for CBAS), Jessica Fox (English and Blackfoot Instructor), and Sandra Atwood (Indigenous Studies Instructor) partnered to create A'paitsitapisksinimaattsaa – a program rooted in Blackfoot ways of knowing.
In this deeply heartfelt conversation, Marcia, Jessica, and Sandra discuss how this course has been a slow dream come true through community relationships.
The trio hope that through pommotsiiysinni (a Blackfoot word meaning the transfer and gaining of knowledge, and understanding your place in the world) this program will meet both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students where they are at – and even spark the next generation of leaders.
During the show, guests and host (Donna) mention:
- CBAS – Centre for Business, Arts and Sciences
- Blood Tribe (Kainai)
- Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksikaitsitapi)
- Blackfoot word meanings:
- Aapaa: Weasel
- Kakyosin: Being aware of your surroundings and really knowing what's out there
- Niitsitapiiysini: Blackfoot ways of knowing
- Miinipooka: Peter Weasel Moccasin
- Pommotsiiysinni: Transferring knowledge
- Niitsitapi: Real person
- Kainaisksaahko: Land-based learning course Maria took with Narcisse Blood
- Aakoka’tsinn: Many lodges camp
- Niksokowaiksi: Relatives
- Poiskinasskin: Sacred Ochre Blessing
- Indigenous Careers Pathways:
- Lethbridge Polytechnic programs:
- Residential Schools in Canada
- Bloom’s taxonomy
- University of Calgary
- University of Lethbridge
- Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
- Red Crow College
- Coulee Walk – Iissksiniip (Coming to Know and Learn)
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
- Wellness Services
- Niitsitapi Strategy

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Black History Month is a time to pause, rest, and reflect on who you are, and what makes you special as a Black person.
Lethbridge Polytechnic students Noel, Michelle, Janet, and Tony explore what Black culture means, and how they navigate mental wellness as students.
This lively group argues about how they find healing and talks about how they love to share culture – the food, the fashion, the music, and of course the party!
During the show, guests and host (Donna) mention:
- Lethbridge Polytechnic events:
- LPSA – Lethbridge Polytechnic Student Association
- BHM Meal Kits
- Location overviews:
- AFROBEATS 🔥 2025 (Spotify playlist)
- Lethbridge Polytechnic programs:
- Afro-Caribbean
- Diwali
- Holi
- University of Lethbridge
- Afro Fest 2024 (no date set for 2025 yet)
- Seasonal depression (Seasonal affective disorder)
- Melatonin
- Sleep apnea
- Hypersomnia
- Wellness Services at Lethbridge Polytechnic

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
The only of its kind in Canada, the Wildlife Analytics Lab (WAL) specializes in wildlife cementum (mineralized tissue covering tooth roots) analysis. Through this process, technicians can determine wildlife age and life history to better inform resource conservation practices.
WAL has numerous implications for transformational research (including becoming the new standard for aging wildlife), and fruitful collaborations with multiple stakeholders (including government, industry experts, and organizations).
Dr. Everett Hanna (Scientific Lead and Environmental Sciences Instructor), Kelsey Gourlie (go-early) (Lead Lab Technician), and Marcela Leija (lay-e-hah) Montoya (Laboratory Technician) join the pod to offer their perspectives.
Everett dives into the details about how the facility is shaping current and future sustainability efforts. Kelsey and Marcela share how this lab gave them (as former students) invaluable Work-Integrated Learning experiences that helped them transition to their exciting new careers at the polytechnic.
During the show, host (Donna) and guest mention:
- WAL – Wildlife Analytics Laboratory at the polytechnic
- Ohkotoki’aahkkoiyiiniimaan (Stone Pipe): Lethbridge Polytechnic's Blackfoot name
- Lethbridge Polytechnic 360 virtual tour
- Alberta Ministries:
- Dispersed/Distributed leadership: sharing leadership responsibilities across a group of people, where multiple individuals work together, make decisions, and take responsibility for achieving common goals.
- WIL – Work-Integrated Learning
- Lethbridge Polytechnic programs and courses:
- APOS – Alberta Professional Outfitters Society
- DAO – Delegated Administrative Organization
- Jason Donkersgoed: Director of LC Extension
- Chronic Wasting Disease
- Hubbard Collection
- NSERC – National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
- OHMT – One Health Medical Technologies
- Fieldlab Films
- Wildlife Forensics & Fish Health Lab (State of Wyoming)
- ENGO – Environmental non-governmental organization
- CFI (in genetics): complement factor I
- Lethbridge Polytechnic Development Office
- WAL Instructional extraction video (content warning: this video shows how to extract a tooth from an animal carcass and may be upsetting to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised)
- For a tour of the Wildlife Analytics Lab, email: wildlife_analytics_lab@lethpolytech.ca
- Check out the Wildlife Analytics Lab on Instagram
- Ponderosa Environmental Consulting Inc (Everett's consulting business)
- Kelsey created the photo below to illustrate how similar tree rings are to teeth rings in determining age. Check it out👇🏼

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Like probiotics are for your gut, mycorrhizal fungi are for soil in vitalizing millions of microorganisms!
Dr. Adriana Morrell, Instructor and Mycology Lab Scientific Lead from Lethbridge Polytechnic shares about her sustainable research project on soil reclamation. Adriana's aim? Identify effective treatments to spur biologically diverse and productive outcomes after a disturbance (like coal mining) as quickly as possible.
Adriana was recently awarded $250K from Alberta Innovates, and she is already prepping for the spring, where native grasses pre-inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi will be relocated to select sites in the Crownest Pass.
During the show, guest and hosts mention:
- Instructor receives $250,000 Alberta Innovates grant to accelerate land reclamation efforts
- The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate: Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben
- Mycorrhiza
- Athabasca University
- Leitch Collieries Provincial Historic Site
- Crowsnest Pass (Google Maps)
- Systems Thinking
- Alberta Innovates
- CTED – Centre for Technology, Environment, and Design
- University of Calgary
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Grumpy’s Greenhouses
- Grassland Restoration Forum
- Parks Canada
- TC Energy
- Teck Resources Canada
- EnviroScape
- For a tour of the Mycology Lab, reach out to Adriana (adriana.morrell@lethpolytech.ca)!

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
E61: Powered by CARIE – Responding to real-world industry problems
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
“The key thing that we keep emphasizing, you'll hear us say it over and over again, is we have to be where industry is, and where industry wants to be next.” ~ Andrew Dunlop, Associate Vice President of Research at Lethbridge Polytechnic
Dave McMurray, Applied Research Manager at Lethbridge Polytechnic, and Andrew Dunlop, Associate Vice President of Research at Lethbridge Polytechnic discuss the inner workings of the Centre for Applied Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (CARIE).
Dave and Andrew share how applied research differs from university research, including IP property, moving at the speed of business, and direct industry connections.
During the show, host (Donna) and guests mention:
- CARIE – Centre for Applied Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- Animal Care Committee
- Research Ethics
- SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
- Mueller Irrigation Group
- IATC – Integrated Agriculture Technology Centre
- Advanced Post-harvest Technology Centre
- CARIE Research project database
- Aquaculture Centre of Excellence
- Trades and apprenticeships at Lethbridge Polytechnic
- Centre for Justice and Human Services
- START – Spatial Technologies Applied Research & Training
- NSERC – National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- CIHR – Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- CARA – Canadian Association of Research Administrators
- CTED – Centre for Technology, Environment, and Design
- CBAS – Centre for Business, Arts, and Sciences
- CPSAR – Centre for Public Safety Applied Research
- E57: Revolutionary recycling in aquaponics – Mimicking natural ecosystems to produce 100% zero-waste food
- WWEA – World Wind Energy Association
- VPA – Vice President Academic
- MSE – Master of Science in Engineering
- University of Manitoba
- University of Saskatchewan
- Northwestern Polytechnic (formerly Grande Prairie Regional College)
- VR – Virtual Reality
- AR – Augmented Reality
- XR – Extended Reality
- SAIT – Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
- NAIT – Northern Alberta Institue of Technology
- Sugar Beet Growers of Alberta
- Wheat Growers Association
- Egg Farmers of Canada
- FITS – Foster, Identify, Target, Sustain
- IP Policy – Intellectual Property Policy
- Niagra College
- College of the North Atlantic
- Olds College
- Alberta Innovates
- Athabasca University
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- SoTL – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Lethbridge Lodging Association
- Coulee Fest
- Grain drying
- McGill University
- RINSA – Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta
- Economic Development Lethbridge
- Tecconnect Entrepreneur Program
- CARIE Annual Research Report (2023/2024)
- Kariza Manychief pitch competition finalist
- CARIE for students
- STAR Grant
- Alberta OH&S
- Reach out to request a tour of our innovative facilities!

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Do you have a sense of duty, urgency, and community? The justice field wants YOU! 🫵
Whether you're fresh out of high-school, or you're a workforce veteran considering a career switch, there are so many opportunities for you in the justice field – our special guests want to share them all with you!
Joining this episode are Constable Allie Enkirch from Lethbridge Police Service (LPS); Constable Kirby Erickson from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Joel McDonald, Deputy Chief of 9-1-1 in Lethbridge; and Mark Smallbones, Retired Staff Sergeant from LPS and practicum coordinator/part-time instructor at Lethbridge Polytechnic.
Tune in for some belly laughs, heartfelt journeys, and see if you can see yourself in their stories. They might just convince you to join the team.
During the show, Donna and guests mention:
- Justice Studies Networking Day (scroll down to Activities & Events heading) is happening October 31 in the Trades Building at Lethbridge Polytechnic
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- Mounties (Nickname for the RCMP)
- United Nations Peacekeeping
- Saskatoon City Police
- Lethbridge Police Service
- Lethbridge Emergency Services
- Constable Shrek Saves the Day
- Tales of the Unexpected
- I COULD NOT find any pictures!! Send them to jordana.gagnon@lethpolytech.ca (and Allie 😉) if you find any!
- Srebrenica Massacre
- Lethbridge Soup Kitchen
- Chinook Sexual Assault Centre
- Next Generation 9-1-1
- The Watch

Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
CTLI leaders Christie Robertson (Associate Dean), Lexi Schaerz (Learning Experience Design Manager), Jaddon Park (Academic Services Manager), and Mark Davids (Accessibility Services Manager) discuss our recent transition from a college to a polytechnic.
The group expand on what this change means for CTLI, and how our mandate – though largely the same in striving to create the most meaningful learning experiences possible – has become more clearly defined through the redesignation process.
During the podcast, Donna (host) and guests mention:
- Lethbridge Polytechnic: Our Polytechnic
- Lethbridge Polytechnic programs:
- CTLI departments:
- Learning Experience Design
- Academic Services
- Accessibility Services
- Buchanan Library Services
- Learning Café
- Wellness Services
- LMS: learning management system
- DLT: Digital Learning Team
- LXD: Learning experience designer/design
- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
- OER: Open Educational Resource (Buchanan Library)
- NIOP: New Instructor Orientation Program
- DEAM: Disability Employment Awareness Month
- WIL: Work-integrated Learning
- Mirco-credentials at Lethbridge Polytechnic:
- Getting Started with Accessibility Services (for students)
- Getting Started with Accessibility Services (for faculty)
- Getting Started with Accessibility Services (for parents and caregivers)
- SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning)
- E50: Watching for signals, change drivers, and learning opportunities – CTLI’s adaptive, collaborative, and culture-building ethos
- Read&Write
- Justice League
- Marvel

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
LITL-Pod hits the road–well, technically just across campus– to hear about Work-Integrated Learning (WIL)!
Guests Kristen DeMone, Natalie Barfuss, and Stephanie Wierl, share how WIL
- helps instructors create industry connections in the community
- gives students a safe space to navigate working with real clients
This trio answers questions about WIL from a live audience, and they dig deep into why WIL is an integral part of the learning experience at Lethbridge Polytechnic (formerly Lethbridge College).
During the show, guests and host (Donna) mention:
- Work-integrated Learning at Lethbridge Polytechnic
- Lethbridge Polytechnic programs & courses:
- Business Administration
- General Arts and Science
- Exercise Science
- Adapted Physical Activity class: An examination of various psychomotor disabilities. The application of the impact and challenges of physical activity delivery to persons with disabilities.
- Computer Information Technology (CIT)
- Digital Communications and Media (DCM)
- Political Science
- Humanities
- Centre for Business, Arts, and Sciences
- WIL Handbook
- Volunteer Lethbridge
- Lethbridge Polytechnic Instagram
- City of Lethbridge
- University of Lethbridge
- Chinook Sexual Assault Centre
- Sage Clan
- Rotary Club Lethbridge
- Global Citizenship (Student Core Competency)
- Lethbridge & District Humane Society
- Star Trek
- English Language Centre
- CRM – Customer relationship management
- CoP – Community of Practice
- Check out the photos from Natalie’s class👇